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Graph information

Field Internal name Type Warning Critical Info
GPS (Used) gps_used gauge The number of GPS used by the solution
GPS gps gauge The original US system. Also called NavStar
SBAS (Used) sbas_used gauge The number of SBAS used by the solution
SBAS sbas gauge Space Based Augmentation system
Galileo (Used) galileo_used gauge The number of Galileo used by the solution
Galileo galileo gauge The European Galileo system
BeiDou (Used) beidou_used gauge The number of BeiDou used by the solution
BeiDou beidou gauge The Chinese BeiDou system
QZSS (Used) qzss_used gauge The number of QZSS used by the solution
QZSS qzss gauge The Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System. Only visible around Japan and Australia
GLONASS (Used) glonass_used gauge The number of GLONASS used by the solution
GLONASS glonass gauge The Russian GLObal Navigation System
Total total gauge Total number of satellites reported by GPSd
This page was generated by Munin version 2.0.75 at 2025-03-14 00:40:40-0700 (PDT) with MunStrap template.