daily graph
weekly graph
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yearly graph

Graph information

Field Internal name Type Warning Critical Info
RUNNING running gauge Running containers can be manipulated with `docker container [attach|kill|logs|pause|restart|stop] <NAME>` or commands run in them with `docker container exec [--detach|--interactive,--privileged,--tty] <NAME> <COMMAND>`
This field has the following extra information: unifi-db (mongo:4.4, 2024-05-12T00:41:38.805633511Z), unms-fluentd (ubnt/unms-fluentd:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.397494379Z), unms-rabbitmq (rabbitmq:3.7.28-alpine, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.418562133Z), unms-postgres (ubnt/unms-postgres:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.420953669Z), unms-nginx (ubnt/unms-nginx:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.437739507Z), unms-netflow (ubnt/unms-netflow:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.456766002Z), ucrm (ubnt/unms-crm:4.4.13, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.468079591Z), unms (ubnt/unms:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.499343571Z), unifi (lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-network-application:latest, 2024-08-28T16:56:53.095956497Z), tautulli (lscr.io/linuxserver/tautulli:latest, 2024-09-01T23:06:46.751828479Z)
UNHEALTHY unhealthy gauge 1 Unhealthy containers can be restarted with `docker container restart <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: unms-siridb (ubnt/unms-siridb:2.4.93, 2024-06-06T03:09:03.436439677Z)
PAUSED paused gauge Paused containers can be resumed with `docker container unpause <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: -
CREATED created gauge New containers can be created with `docker container create --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID >` or `docker container run --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID> <COMMAND>`
This field has the following extra information: -
RESTARTING restarting gauge Containers can be restarted with `docker container restart <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: -
REMOVING removing gauge Containers can be removed with `docker container rm <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: -
EXITED exited gauge Exited containers can be started with `docker container start [--attach] <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: -
DEAD dead gauge 1 Dead containers can be started with `docker container start <NAME>`
This field has the following extra information: -
This page was generated by Munin version 2.0.75 at 2024-09-07 17:22:49-0700 (PDT) with MunStrap template.